Lōemis Festival 2022
Pre-Festival Spectacle
Featuring Ērthe
30 April, 6pm
Princess Bay
Visiting Entity
Leda Farrow, Josh Bailey, Nick Ascroft
10 - 21 June. Daily till 10pm
Left Bank
Elevation: Time Scales
Music / Outdoor
Ruby Solly
10 June Onwards, Daily 24/7
Mount Victoria
Werewolf II - Wolves Among Us
Immersive Game
Binge Culture
10 - 11 June, 8pm
Wellesley Boutique Hotel
Bad Ghouls of Wellington
Occult History Walking Tour
Jessie Bray Sharpin
12, 18, 19 June, 2pm
Location provided with ticket
Lōemis Art Show
Multiple Artists
14 - 19 June, 10am - 5pm
Thistle Hall
Bio Electricity
Electronic Music
Toby Laing, Parks, Riki Gooch
14 June, 7.30pm
The Begonia House
Gordy x Tse
Food / Poetry
Max Gordy, Chris Tse
June 15, 6.30pm
Graze Wine Bar
Suitcase Show
Theatre / Music
Trick of the Light
June 16 - 18, 6pm
216 Cuba Street, upstairs
Silent Shorts
Film / Music
Firefly Orchestra
16 June, 8pm
The Roxy Cinema
Medium Orchestra
18 June, 8pm
Dom Polski Club
Pests, Plants and Poisons
Food / Beverage / Music
Chef Collab
19 June, 6.30pm
Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne
Winter Solstice Procession
Procession / Spectacle
Multiple Artists
21 June, 5.30pm
Cancelled due to high winds at Freyberg Beach.
Tōji – Solstice Dinner
Food / Music
Takuto Tanaka, Salina Fisher
21 June, 7pm
Field & Green
Workshops and Games
String Chimes
Paddy Burgin
18 June, 10am - 4pm
Toi Whakaari, Newtown
Graveyard Shift
A Spooky Bite-Sized Tabletop Adventure
Presented by The Kismet Club
18 - 20 June 3pm + 6pm
Elysium, Newtown
Puppet Making
Kids Puppet Making Workshops
With Greta Menzies
18 June, 10am - 12pm, 1pm - 3pm
Capital E
The Penguin and the Sea Monster
Puppet Show
Anna Bailey
18 June, 10am - 10.30am
Capital E