Bio Electricity
The Begonia House
14 June, 7.30pm
Tickets from $25
Bio Electricity
Bio Electricity is in everything we do. Settle in for an hour of new electronic music with Toby Laing (The Labcoats, Fat Freddy’s Drop); Parks (Honzoh, Ladi6); and Riki Gooch (Orchestra of Spheres, Mara TK, Cave Circles).
With modular synthesis, analogue sound processing and bio-electrical interference, P.L.G. Ltd will conjure sound patterns that began eons ago and will continue into eternity.
At the beginning of space and time was electricity. Linking all aspects of the universe in an energy field both vast and miniscule. The electrical activity that swirls about the sun, or in and around the mysterious singularities, shares its origins with the bio electrical pulses that provided the first vibrations of life itself and continue to animate the living world. The cells of living organisms follow the patterns of electronic sequences in order to form and reproduce. Our brains and other organs utilise these ancient currents in order to function and respond. The natural world around us, forests, deserts and oceans, form a great electrical circuit that buzzes with electrical energy.
Electricity is ever present, powerful and perceivable, but at the same time invisible, mysterious and its scale is unknowable. The most prosaic of scientific descriptions evoke contact with a supernatural life-force. To consider the energy field that envelops and threads the universe, providing the conditions for life itself, is to ponder a cosmic spirituality.
Insofar as every day spent on earth consists of a series of quasi-religious acts, such as flicking a power switch or boiling a jug, P.L.G. Ltd offer this ritual performance in honour of our shared electrical state.
The 14th of June is a Super Full Moon – best viewed outdoors on top of a mountain far from the city. However, if you can’t get there or are simply avoiding the winter cold, the next best location would be the Begonia House, Wellington’s finest historic, heated glass enclosure!
* Special thanks to Wellington Gardens for partnering with us on this event.
Riki Gooch
Marcus McShane